Data Center Strategy: Planning and Design

Data Center Strategy: Planning and Design
Posted in: Blog | June 8, 2015 | 0 comments
A data center is an infrastructure that houses computers, servers and networking systems, as well as IT components. A solid data center strategy is crucial for any business, regardless of size, since it is the brain of the company and responsible for running all of the enterprise’s core applications. But, strategizing the perfect data center design can be an overwhelming and complicated process due to the long list of decisions that can impact the final cost. To effectively plan your data center, follow the steps below.  

1. Gather Requirements

When it comes to data center planning, the first step is to visit the site to find out what you have to work with. This is where the size and scope of the project are determined and the design starts to take shape. It’s important to consider not only current needs, but also plan for and anticipate future growth. Some areas to consider during this phase include:
  • Space constraints
  • Power availability
  • Ability to keep the space cool

 2. Design

Once you have a solid understanding of your specific requirements, it’s time to move into the actual design phase. This is where a master data center design plan is created to meet the needs and goals of your company and should take into account budget constraints and your particular timeline. The design should be flexible and scalable and map out the project steps in a logical and efficient order. Once everyone has a solid understanding of what the final project will look like, the design plans go to a project manager for implementation.  

3. Implement

The project manager executes the design plan and oversees every aspect of your project, from scheduling staff and arranging for delivery of materials to ensuring your satisfaction throughout the life cycle of the project. Your manager should meet with you weekly to ensure that you are comfortable with the progress. Once the project is completed, you should be asked to do a walk-through of the finished system.


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